Thursday, December 15, 2005

Is Your Mind Being Conditioned For the Mark?

End Time Prophecy Report

Is Your Mind Being Conditioned For The Mark?

In recent online articles, it has been reported that along with the new McDonald’s Arch card, that there has been a surge in the marketing of electronic cash cards at various fast-food restaurants and retail outlets. Despite the flashy commercials that suggest the use of these debit cards as being fast and easy, the financial institutions that financially back these companies have another motive in mind, that being, the implementation of a completely cash-less society. By steadily pushing these cards, advertising companies are helping to move consumers into the mindset that plastic is better than cash and/or checks, and that electronic payments are ultimately for the cost-savvy consumer. In the event that mainstream society begins to depend more and more upon debit cards and views cash as being the financial tool of the drug dealer or credit-poor consumer, it won’t be too long before the next marketing phase will be to convince consumers that the best way to avoid being the victim of identity theft or etc, is to take a mark (such as the RFID tag) into their forehead or their hand.

For more information about this report, please visit our online journal @

Archive ** 1 Nation without God

One Nation without God …. Aethistic, Pagan, Ignorant, and Lawless…. Will the ignorant desires of a small minority of Counter-Cultural misfits, help to derail the godly heritage of the United States of America and her believing allies?

America. Strong, Prosperous, and a force, to be reckoned with. America, a country with a godly heritage and a church on virtually every corner. America, the ever-expanding melting pot. One has to wonder with the past events of the last century and especially the fight to keep God in the national consciousness, one has to ask the question, who exactly is in control? Are the atheists, a group of people made famous by Madelyn Murray O’Hair, in control? How about the judge who banned the pledge of allegiance in California schools, is he in control? How about the hardcore-abortion loving feminists and shameless sexual deviants, are they in control? Or how about the Pagans, or better yet the Christian and Jew-hating Muslims, are they in control? With everything that has gone on for the last 229 years since our country was 1st founded in prayer and bloodshed, a silent war has been waged for the soul of America. You can see it everywhere you look, on every cable channel and television, on every radio station, and on the face of every American, that has to make a decision every day of their lives, to choose or not to choose. To believe or not to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and live a life according to that belief. If the god-haters manage to have their way, America’s melting pot maybe set for the refiners fire. And as with a pot that contains impure gold, one has to wonder what will become of America, once the god-haters manage to draw our country out from underneath the safety of God’s wing.

This has been your End Time Prophecy report asking you, do you know what type of metal, you’re made of.

September 2005 Archive ** The Threat of Things Seen and Unseen....

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: September 25, 2005

The Threat of Things Seen and Unseen: Will the Fear be the Hallmark of America’s Popular Culture and Economy for the Years to Come?

During the last 5 years, and especially within the last 2 months, this End Time Prophecy Reporter has noticed that along with the natural and man-made disasters that have managed to affect our Country that Fear has managed to strike at the heart of our country. The Evidence of Fear dominating our national consciousness can be seen and felt at the Gas Pump, as drivers tie up traffic in a last-ditch effort to fill up their vehicles, only to find the gas stations out of gas themselves.. It can been detected in grocery stores, where pallets of canned food and water are being reduced as shoppers make a last minute attempt at preparing for a disaster. With Perception being stronger than reality, the face of Fear can be seen, as our local and 24 News Channels bombard us with images that speak of devastation and hopelessness, leaving some to wonder if they too will be trapped by the storms of life. With the Spirit of Fear trying to weave it’s way further into our national fabric, it’s plain to see that Luke 21:26, & 28 is unfolding before our very eyes: which states…

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, who or what, are you trusting in?

March 2004 Archive ** Are you 1 Charge away from the Mark of the Beast?

End Time Prophecy Report

March 14, 2004

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Are you one charge away from the Mark of the Beast ?
As early as 1993, there have been companies that have produced new technologies that have been positioning themselves to be a vital part of the creation of a One-World Government Cashless Society. Two such companies are: Applied Digital Solutions, creator of the VeriChip implant, and Mondex, creator of the International smart card (whose shares Mastercard holds 51% of).

Two things that these companies have in common are; manipulating the world’s desire to consume more than they can afford, and using the fear of being victimized by criminals. By using these fears the makers of Mondex smart card have been making progress in their campaign for the acceptance of a smart card implant, and Applied Digital Solutions was able to insert several of it’s Verichip implants into a Midwestern family. By doing this, the companies have not only been able to market this technology successfully, but they have also been able to enlist Medical Doctors that will insert the chip into any individual that desires to have it.

Some may see this technology as a means of ushering us into a brave new world, but in fact, the makers of this technology have ushered in one of the greatest spiritual deceptions the world may ever know.

Archive March 2005 ** Will Microsof's bid to develop RFID-related software help to persuade the World to accept the Mark of the Beast?

Because the days are short, and the time of His return is soon,.. this is your:

End Time Prophecy report for:

March 27, 2005

Daniel 12:4
4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased

Revelation 13: 16-17
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Will Microsoft’s bid to develop RFID-related software help to persuade the World to accept the Mark of the Beast?

In a recent CNET online news article, it was reported that Microsoft has announced that in 2006, it will be selling a new type of low-cost RFID software that will target the small-business sector. By building the RFID technology on the Windows NT platform, not only will the new software be more affordable, but the Windows-related RFID software will also be user-friendly, by working to decipher the encoded language that is generated by the tracking hardware. Not only will this software make it easier for vendors seeking to do business with companies such as Wal-Mart, but it will also force vendors that do not wish to use the tag to either submit to the wishes of Wal-Mart and other companies, or risk the loss of a significant portion of their revenue. With that being said, how quickly will the required use of the RFID tag spread, once Microsoft manages to further influence Vendors and Retail outlets alike?

June 2005 Archive ** Is the Technology of Star Wars coming to life before our very eyes?

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: June 26, 2005

Is the Technology of Star Wars coming to life before our very eyes?

In the 1970’s movie Star Wars, the moviegoers imagination was enlarged with new technological possibilities such as space stations, light sabers, and a 3D holographic message of Princess Leia... Although Star Wars was full of what seemed to be unrealistic but imaginative technological ideas, today’s scientists are finding ways to make one of those ideas become a reality. In a recent Channel 8 news report, a Plasma Physicist has created the 1st 3D Holographic movie of a live beating heart. By merging 3D Holographic technology with Medical science, the physicist has not only managed to bridge the gap between imagination & technology, but he has also managed to further open the door to medical professionals who are seeking better ways to diagnose and treat various diseases… The Prophet Daniel spoke of Knowledge increasing in the last days.. Have you taken notice of the technology around you?

March 2004 Archive ** Baptist Campus Paper Backs Same-Sex Marriages

End Time Prophecy Report
March 7, 2004

2 Timothy 4:1-3

In this week’s Agape Press Headlines:
Baptist Campus Paper Backs Same-Sex 'Marriages'

In a recent online Agape press edition, it was reported that one
largest Baptist university school newspapers in the world has
endorsed homosexual "marriage."
Reporters for the school newspaper on the editorial board of the
Baylor University Lariat , have compared the opposition to same-sex
marriage to discrimination based on skin color or religious beliefs.
The paper's editorial board approved the article by a 5-2 vote -- and
as the editor Lacy Elwood stated it was "no big deal."

Archive ** China Plans to set up a Military base that is within 1 hour of Taiwan....

End Time Prophecy report

August 31, 2003

Matthew 24:6-8

China Plans to set up a Military base that is within 1 hour of Taiwan…

In a recent Yahoo News Singapore online edition, it was reported that in

response to the growing movement for Independence in Taiwan, China is in

the process of setting up a combat airborne military base that will be within

1 hour of that country.

Having Chinese soldiers stationed in the nearby city of Zhejiang, would

reduce the amount of time needed to invade Taiwan by 50%.

This action is just another action that China has taken to ensure the would

that it will reclaim Taiwan as part of it’s empire, by any means necessary.

August 2005 Archive ** Will Ariel Sharon's sowing of an inch of concessions towards the Palestinians, Reap a Mile of Trouble in years to come?

End Time Prophecy Report
Prophetic Dateline: August 21, 2005
Will Ariel Sharon’s sowing of an inch of concessions towards the Palestinians, Reap a Mile of Trouble in years to come?

Close your eyes and imagine this: You wake up one morning at 5:00am to the sound of Texas National guard soldiers banging on your door, shoving eviction notices in your face.. You try to beg and plead with them, reminding them that they’re Texans, just like you, born and bred in the Lone Star state.. Some of the soldiers blow you off, but some stay around to offer sympathy and even pray with you, but no real solutions. For months, you’ve been hearing President Bush, a fellow Texan, talking about the necessity for bringing peace to North America by giving Texas back to Mexico, but you never would have thought that President Bush would actually order the evictions and sacrifice your land, all for the sake of a false sense of peace. After all, regardless of how much Mexico’s President Vicente Fox whines, Texas is part of America, and we won it fair and square, right? If you had to leave your homes tomorrow morning, what would you do?

Now open your eyes and imagine being an Israeli, a settler living in the Gaza Strip, in the land that God said was yours, only to have your President, a fellow Israeli, order soldiers to knock on your door, drag you out of your homes, and away to refuge camps. What would you do? Would you fight or would you accept it as being the price of progress? For the nation of Israel, the eviction of Gaza Strip settlers has managed to not only light the match for a potential civil war, but it has also managed to pave the way for the day when Jerusalem, the world’s burdensome stone will become as stated in Zechariah 12:2, “ a cup of trembling unto all” those that will seek to take advantage of the weakness found in her leaders and a new generation of Secularist Jews that have fallen so far away from where they 1st believed.
This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, Do you Know what time it is?

July 2005 Archive ** In this current age of the Military Industrial Complex, will the Blood of millions of Africans be on the hands of the West?

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: July 31, 2005

In this current age of the Military Industrial Complex, will the Blood of 5 million starving Africans be on the hands of the western world?

In Matthew 24:4-8, the Bible states that Famine, War, Pestilence, and Earthquakes in diverse places would be some of the definite indicators that we are living in the End Times.. Throughout history, there have been several countries that have been devastated by all of those factors, some more than others by, but no other continent has experienced this devastation more than the continent of Africa.. As the Western world occupies itself with other causes, African countries such as Niger are having to endure droughts when they need rain to grow vital crops, and torrential rain when their land has taken all that it needs. While Niger’s ineffective government sits idly by, wishing for the embarrassment of his ineffectiveness to pass, over 70% of his citizens do not have access to health care, and over 166,000 children die every year due to malnutrition and starvation.

November 2004 Archive ** 7th Grade Girls arrested for Poisoning their classmates...

November 21, 2004

2 Seventh Grade girls are arrested for Poisoning their classmates…

In a recent CNN online article, it was reported that a pair of 13 year old girls were charged with 12 counts of aggravated assault, after they passed out several slices of tainted cake to their classmates. After the students suffered a severe reaction to the cake, tests revealed that the slices were frosted with an icing that was made with clay, bleach, Tabasco sauce, and a prescribed medicine. What the girls described as a practical joke may turn into a nightmare, as prosecutors may decide whether or not, to try the teenagers as adults, on charges of attempted murder.

June 2005 Archive ** Earthquakes, Earthquakes, and more Earthquakes,... How long will California continue to dodge the Tsunami Bullet?

End Time Prophecy report

Prophetic dateline: Sunday, June 19, 2005

Earthquakes, Earthquakes, and more Earthquakes,… How long will California continue to dodge the Tsunami Bullet?

Ever since San Francisco became a gold miner’s best friend, California has become a state known for prosperity, multiculturalism, and earthquakes.. With historic quakes that have devastated the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and other city’s such as Crescent City who in 1964 experienced the 1st Tsunami to ever strike the continental US, Scientists have speculated that there is a 67% chance that California and the Bay Area may experience an historical quake, like the 1906 quake that devastated and leveled portions of San Francisco, before 2023. If that does happen, San Francisco, along with other cities in California may experience a Tsunami that may very well make the Southeast Asian Tsunami look like a cakewalk. With a Tsunami alert being activated and subsequently canceled, and not to mention the 4 quakes occurring within the same week, will California beach home residents experience a state emergency on the scale of the Southeast Asian Tsunami in not too many days hence? The bible said in Matthew 24:7 that this would be a sign of the coming of the End, the question is: are you paying attention?

May 2005 Archive ** The Cuban Missile Crisis Pt. II: Will North Korea succeed in their Nuclear Game of Cat & Mouse.....

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: May 8, 2005

The Cuban Missile Crisis PT II: Will North Korea succeed in their Nuclear Game of Cat & Mouse with America & her Pacific Allies?

As we approach the coming day of the Lord, there will be certain indicators that will let us know that we are on the road, to the End. One of those indicators, found in Matthew 24: 7, states that “7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” .. One such nation that is currently rising against the United States and her Pacific allies is: North Korea. Known as a top producer of missile parts and technology, North Korea is lead by a paranoid and not to mention sadistic communist leader, that not only has an intense hatred for the Japanese, but he also hates the United States, a country that he feels is trying to topple his government. Although some World Leaders aren’t too concerned about the possibility of America and Japan being targeted by a North Korean nuclear weapon, they cannot deny that the recent test firings of missiles into the Sea of Japan, and not to mention the 1998 firing of a missile that went over Japan and into the Pacific ocean, doesn’t leave one with cause for concern. Although American officials have downplayed these events as being failed tests, one has to ask the question: what will happen when North Korea’s Leader finally snaps, and decides that it’s time to extract its “pound of American and Japanese flesh?”

April 2005 Archive ** How many handshakes are you away from a Staph Infection?

End Time Prophecy Report for:

April 10, 2005

Matthew 24: 7b : and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places

How many handshakes are you away from a Staph Infection?

In a recent Dallas Morning News article, it was reported that a recently published study in the New England Journal of Medicine study has found that the potential for being infected with the Staphloccus Aureus bacteria, is higher than previously assumed. Based upon a pool of infected persons located in the Baltimore, Atlanta, and Minnesota metropolitan area’s, the study has confirmed the theory that the percentage of infected persons within the general population is rising, and that the strain of the bacteria is drug-resistant. Considering the fact that ordinary bathing and handwashing is becoming more of a distant memory for some people, what is the likelihood of infection via a common handshake?

March 2005 Archive ** Checkmate: China makes a bold move in it's bid to block Taiwan's bid for Independence

Because the times are dark, and the time of His Return is
soon,.. this is your End Time Prophecy report for:
March 13, 2005

Matthew 24: 4,6-7a
4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
6And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7a For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

Checkmate: China makes a bold move in it’s bid to block Taiwan ‘s bid for Independence…

In a recent Associated Press online article, it was reported that Chinese lawmakers have unveiled legislation that will authorize the use of military action against Taiwan, should she should continue in her bid to gain independence. Although Chinese officials have stated that the use of force would be used as a last resort, Beijing’s previous statements and actions have led Taiwan to define China’s new legislative proposal as being a ‘blank check’ for invasion. Not only does this ‘blank check’ force Taiwan to make an early move, but it will also force the hand of an American-Japanese alliance that has vowed to protect it’s ally from hostile attacks.

February 2005 Archive ** What's going on with the European Union?

End Time Prophecy Report

February 26, 2005

What’s going on with the European Union?

In a recent Christian Science Monitor online article, it was reported that while President Bush was attempting to heal the political rift between America and the European Union, he was quoted as saying ‘No Power on earth will ever divide us.’ While President Bush may have been referring to the differences in Political Philosophies, he neglected to mention that while 59% of Americans say that they believe in God, only 21% of Europeans make that confession. With the decline of Christianity in Europe, and the acceptance of secular humanism, paganism, and Islam, along with the failure to mention God as being the creator in their Constitution, the European Union is slowly becoming the polar opposite of the United States. That being the case, how can the United States and nations within the European Union truly walk together in unity, if they can’t agree on the most important Power of all?

February 2005 Archive ** Stem Cells + Miscellaneous Cells = Nerve Cells..

End Time Prophecy report…
Because the Days are Dark, and the time of His Return is soon..

This is your End Time Prophecy Report for:
February 6, 2005
Revelation 9:21

Stem Cells + Miscellaneous Cells = Nerve Cells… How Scientists will soon justify the use of Embryonic Stem Cells in their quest to treat and cure previously untreatale and incurable diseases..

In a recent ABC / Associated Press online article, it was reported that researchers in Madison, Wisconsin have been able to convert Embryonic Stem Cells into cells that control the movement of the body, otherwise known as Motor Neurons. By experimenting with Stem Cells for the past 2 years, Dr. Lu-Chio-Zhang and his team of fellow researchers were able to move ahead of their colleagues, by creating a stew of stem cells, chemicals, and other biological agents that were not only able to produce a batch of Nerve Cells, but the stew also showed the potential to produce cells that could become whatever type of cells that the researcher so desired, with an extended expiration date. That being said, will the desire to end the suffering of those stricken by Parkinson’s, Lou Gerig’s Disease, Diabetes, and other diseases further impair the Moral Compass on Abortion in America?

January 2005 Archive ** Jim Crow part II; Has Free Speech and freedon of expression become a thing of the past for Christians in America?

End Time Prophecy report

January 16, 2005

Matthew 24:9-10

Jim Crow part II ; Has Free Speech and freedom of expression become a thing of the past for Christians in America?

In recent Worldnet Daily, Covenant News, and Philadelphia Inquirer online articles, it was reported that 4 Christian protestors have been arraigned on Felony charges of criminal conspiracy, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways , after they had been arrested for protesting a city-sponsored Homosexual street festival called ‘Outfest.’ After members of Repent America had been surrounded and in turn harassed by a group of Homosexual security officers called the ‘Pink Angels,’ Philadephia police were summoned, and 11 Christian protestors, including a 17 year old girl, were arrested. Not one Homosexual agitator was arrested, nor cited for their acts of criminal mischief and harassment, against the members of Repent America, who are currently facing up to 47 years in Federal Prison. If Philadelpia Prosecutors manage to succeed in convincing a Federal judge and jury members that peacefully reading Bible scriptures is an act of Hate, what will be the future of the Church and her Evangelistical assignment in America?

Can an Antibiotic open the door to sickness and/or death during the Cold & Flu Season?

Can an Antibiotic open the door to sickness and/or death during the Cold & Flu Season?

For the past 2 decades a debate has arisen over the necessity for Doctors to write prescriptions for antibiotics and hand them out to their patients as if they were lollipops being handed to a child. What researchers at the CDC and other facilities have long suspected has been confirmed, that being that the overuse of antibiotic’s can make one’s immune system a prime target for resistant forms of bacteria. Although it doesn’t seem likely that resistant forms of bacteria should become a major cause for concern, researchers at the CDC and other research institutes have become concerned over the spread of the Clostridium difficile bacterium (aka C-diff) in Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and it ‘s role in the deaths of over 100 patients. If doctors and hospitals do not take extra precautions and monitor the spread of this deadly spore-forming bacterium that cannot be destroyed with ordinary household cleaners, the deaths that result may grow as fast as the rate of its constant mutation.

Archive**Columbine Part II, The Lone Gun Man...

Columbine Part II, The Lone Gun Man; Has the quest to separate Christ and State resulted in a new breed of unregenerate youth?

II Timothy 3:1-3

In recent online articles, it has been reported that 15 year old Ken Bartley, a Jacksboro Tennessee high school student, went on a shooting rampage that resulted in the death of his school’s assistant principal and the hospitalization of his Principal. Although Classmates and Teachers thought that despite Ken’s previous juvenile record, that he never would have committed such a heinous crime, it should be no surprise to those who have been aware of the steady decline of morality in America’s Schools, that this type of violent act would once again, repeat itself. Who would have known that when Madelyn Murray O’Hair decided to answer the demonic call of stripping away prayer from schools, that amongst drug abuse, witchcraft/Harry Potter, and sexual deviation, that killing one’s parents, teachers, and fellow students would be in the hearts of new breed of youth?

This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, do you really know what’s going on at your child’s school?

July 2005 Archive ** The Threat of Things Unseen...

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: July 10, 2005

The Threat of Things Unseen; Just how low will people go in the Last Days..

In II Timothy 3:1-3, the Bible lets us know that in the last days, Men & Women would have no self-control, that they would be cruel, and that they turn away from what is good..
During the last 2 ½ months nothing has been more evident that we are living in prophetically dangerous times than the recent stories of the BTK killer, and the home invasion-style kidnapping and molestation of 8yr old Shasta Groene.
The Criminals in both cases were cold, calculated, and exhibited little to no restraint in carrying out their crimes. Dennis Rader, the 60 year old former Lutheran choir member, known as the Bind-Torture-and Kill serial killer, until February 25th, managed to elude and taunt authorities for 25 years, all the while taking the lives of 10 Men, Women, and Children.
Joseph Edward Duncan III, who stated in his last journal entry, that the demons were taking over, managed to engage in a crime spree of his own that spanned a 2 month period that stole the innocence of 8 yr old Shasta, and stole the lives of her mother, 2 brothers, and a family friend dead.
If the crimes of Radar and Duncan don’t convince you that we are living in the last days, then be careful lest you be overtaken by the Threat of Things Unseen.

This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, are you ready to fly away?

July 2005 Archive ** Red Strings? Celebrity Centers? 2 Kings, but no Queen?....

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: July 3, 2005

Red Strings? Celebrity Centers? 2 Kings, but no Queen? How far will the Entertainment Industry take it’s campaign to Infiltrate Culture and Morality in America and the world?

Within the last 35 years the American public, and not to mention the entire world, has received quite an education from the fringe elements of Religion and the Entertainment Industry. Everything from the Jewish New Ageist movement of Kabbalah, to the celebrity cult that is Scientology, and less we forget, the deceptive works of fiction such as, Heather has 2 Mommies along with the recent publication of King & King; have tried and have succeeded in infiltrating popular culture, along with managing to twist the moral compass of every generation, the most important generation, being the youngest.

With children being the historical witnesses to the name of God being deemed as being insignificant in schools and society at large, nothing more would please the architects of confusion than to see everything that is Christ-related, to be shoved into the closet from which the Homosexuals claim that we kept them in. With the teachers of Multi-culturalism attempting to persuade and shame us into silence, can we as believers continue to be stand by and be silent, as the youth of America and the world are being brainwashed by the peddlers of immorality and spiritual confusion, all in the name of tolerance?
This has been your End Time Prophecy report, asking you the question, If Jesus returned at this moment, could He say that you were paying attention to the signs?

Archive ** Home Grown Terror: Have Americans Missed the Point?

Home Grown Terror: Have Americans missed the Point when it comes to Al-Quaida’s recruitment of Arab-Americans?

Since September 11th of 2001, we as Americans have been walking a line between the threat of things unseen, and the deception of peace and safety. Up until this moment in time, we’ve had to deal with red, yellow, & blue security alerts, Soldiers being Slaughtered on Foreign Soil, controversies dealing with privacy rights, and not to mention other issues, that have managed to divert our attention from a growing threat at home, that being Radical Muslims, who are American-born but are sold out, to Al-Quaida. As recent as last week, several Muslims were arrested on charges of planning attacks against Americans, including Umer and Hamid Hayat, who were arrested and held on charges of lying to the FBI about Hamid’s 2003 & 2004 trips to a Pakistani training camp sponsored by Al-Qaeda. Not only did the son lie about his trip, but he had planned to participate in his personal jihad, where Hospitals and Large food stores would be the targets. The actions of the father and son, makes one wonder just how many other fathers and sons seeking to prove their loyalty to Al-Qaeda are living next door to where we live.. The Bible said that in I Thessalonions 5:3 that sudden destruction was on the way, when peace & safety was declared. Have we as Americans overlooked the enemy as we are working and hoping for a state of Peace & Safety?

08/ 2005 Archive -- If you give to the Homeless in the City of Dallas, Will a Fine be given unto You?

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: August 28, 2005

If you give to the Homeless in the City of Dallas, Will a Fine be given unto You?

The New Living Translation of Psalm 22:8-9 states that ‘those who plant seeds of injustice will harvest disaster, and reign of terror will end. Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor...” Ranked as one of the meanest cities by a national Homeless advocacy group, Dallas is fast approaching the status of major metropolitan cities such as San Francisco and New York, with its high priced loft apartments, upscale restaurants, and its indifference towards the homeless and working poor. Although Mayor Laura Miller and the city council have stated that a multi-million dollar homeless shelter is in the works, we have yet to see any reports of any real progress that’s being made with the planning and development of it. If actions are louder than words, we would have to determine that there has been more effort directed towards catering towards and preserving the tax dollars of downtown business owners and their clients, rather than serving a segment of the city that we have been biblically commanded to care for. With Mayor Miller and City council members pondering the possibility of directing Dallas Cops to give you a ticket just for giving ‘Bill,’ ‘Ray,’ or ‘Sue,’ a dollar or two, you can best believe that the prophetic clock is ticking as the Love of Many Grows cold.

This has been your End Time Prophecy report asking you, have you given to the poor lately?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Is Science Fiction becoming an Imitation of Life?

Daniel 12:4
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

With Science and Techology making new advances on a daily basis, it would be hard to deny that we are in fact living in the End Times.

Can an Antibiotic open the door to sickness and/or death during the Cold & Flu Season?

End Time Prophecy Report for the week of December 4, 2005

Matthew 24:7(b)

Can an Antibiotic open the door to sickness and/or death during the Cold & Flu Season?

For the past 2 decades a debate has arisen over the necessity for Doctors to write prescriptions for antibiotics and hand them out to their patients as if they were lollipops being handed to a child. What researchers at the CDC and other facilities have long suspected has been confirmed, that being that the overuse of antibiotic’s can make one’s immune system a prime target for resistant forms of bacteria. Although it doesn’t seem likely that resistant forms of bacteria should become a major cause for concern, researchers at the CDC and other research institutes have become concerned over the spread of the Clostridium difficile bacterium (aka C-diff) in Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and it ‘s role in the deaths of over 100 patients. If doctors and hospitals do not take extra precautions and monitor the spread of this deadly spore-forming bacterium that cannot be destroyed with ordinary household cleaners, the deaths that result may grow as fast as the rate of its constant mutation.