Thursday, December 15, 2005

June 2005 Archive ** Earthquakes, Earthquakes, and more Earthquakes,... How long will California continue to dodge the Tsunami Bullet?

End Time Prophecy report

Prophetic dateline: Sunday, June 19, 2005

Earthquakes, Earthquakes, and more Earthquakes,… How long will California continue to dodge the Tsunami Bullet?

Ever since San Francisco became a gold miner’s best friend, California has become a state known for prosperity, multiculturalism, and earthquakes.. With historic quakes that have devastated the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and other city’s such as Crescent City who in 1964 experienced the 1st Tsunami to ever strike the continental US, Scientists have speculated that there is a 67% chance that California and the Bay Area may experience an historical quake, like the 1906 quake that devastated and leveled portions of San Francisco, before 2023. If that does happen, San Francisco, along with other cities in California may experience a Tsunami that may very well make the Southeast Asian Tsunami look like a cakewalk. With a Tsunami alert being activated and subsequently canceled, and not to mention the 4 quakes occurring within the same week, will California beach home residents experience a state emergency on the scale of the Southeast Asian Tsunami in not too many days hence? The bible said in Matthew 24:7 that this would be a sign of the coming of the End, the question is: are you paying attention?


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