Thursday, December 15, 2005

February 2005 Archive ** What's going on with the European Union?

End Time Prophecy Report

February 26, 2005

What’s going on with the European Union?

In a recent Christian Science Monitor online article, it was reported that while President Bush was attempting to heal the political rift between America and the European Union, he was quoted as saying ‘No Power on earth will ever divide us.’ While President Bush may have been referring to the differences in Political Philosophies, he neglected to mention that while 59% of Americans say that they believe in God, only 21% of Europeans make that confession. With the decline of Christianity in Europe, and the acceptance of secular humanism, paganism, and Islam, along with the failure to mention God as being the creator in their Constitution, the European Union is slowly becoming the polar opposite of the United States. That being the case, how can the United States and nations within the European Union truly walk together in unity, if they can’t agree on the most important Power of all?


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