Thursday, December 15, 2005

July 2005 Archive ** Red Strings? Celebrity Centers? 2 Kings, but no Queen?....

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: July 3, 2005

Red Strings? Celebrity Centers? 2 Kings, but no Queen? How far will the Entertainment Industry take it’s campaign to Infiltrate Culture and Morality in America and the world?

Within the last 35 years the American public, and not to mention the entire world, has received quite an education from the fringe elements of Religion and the Entertainment Industry. Everything from the Jewish New Ageist movement of Kabbalah, to the celebrity cult that is Scientology, and less we forget, the deceptive works of fiction such as, Heather has 2 Mommies along with the recent publication of King & King; have tried and have succeeded in infiltrating popular culture, along with managing to twist the moral compass of every generation, the most important generation, being the youngest.

With children being the historical witnesses to the name of God being deemed as being insignificant in schools and society at large, nothing more would please the architects of confusion than to see everything that is Christ-related, to be shoved into the closet from which the Homosexuals claim that we kept them in. With the teachers of Multi-culturalism attempting to persuade and shame us into silence, can we as believers continue to be stand by and be silent, as the youth of America and the world are being brainwashed by the peddlers of immorality and spiritual confusion, all in the name of tolerance?
This has been your End Time Prophecy report, asking you the question, If Jesus returned at this moment, could He say that you were paying attention to the signs?


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