Friday, November 18, 2005

The Cross in a Crossfire?

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: November 20, 2005

The Cross in a Cross-Fire?

In a recent Fox News online article it was reported that the city of Las Cruces, New Mexico is being dragged into Federal Court, because they dared to use 3 adjoining crosses as their Official City logo. Although the word ‘Las Cruces’ in English means the ‘the Crosses,’ critics argue that having a cross or crosses as an official city logo would imply a hostile environment for non-Christians, (one that would be similar to the environment enflamed by the cross wearing Germans in Hitler’s Nazi Germany), one has to wonder if the plaintiff’s are in fact themselves the instigators of hatred in their own city. The Bible states that in Matthew 24:9 that Believers in Jesus Christ would be delivered up to be afflicted, killed, and hated of all nation’s, the question is have you been paying attention to what’s been going in your city?,2933,175675,00.html


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