Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why has Russia sent their warships to be with Hugo Chavez?

Wars and Rumors of Wars ..... Why has Russia sent their warships to be with Hugo Chavez?

After Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez literally cursed out the United States and gave our Ambassador 72 hours to leave his country, Russia dispatched warships to the South American country in an effort to begin naval exercises. This tactic and veiled message is something that has not been seen since the edgy days of the Cold War.

If Hugo Chavez goes any further off of the deep end and aligns himself more with the radical factions of South American Governments, the United States could not only be looking at a loss of a major oil supplier, but a bigger threat from the Carniverous Bear (Russia), who could be setting his sights on America after having sharpened his claws on the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

With everything that's going on, do you really know what time it really is?

Friday, April 06, 2007

Stem Cells and the Hearts that Love them

On Monday, April 2nd, it was announced that British researchers have managed to successfully grow human heart tissue from stem cells. Although this appears to be another marvel of science and technology, this should be no surprise to those who already knew that the Bible foretold these events in the book of Daniel (12:9),where it is stated that knowledge shall increase, and in the book of Revelation (9:21) that they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries {Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:"5331. pharmakeia ... from 5332; medication ('pharmacy')pharmakei}, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. With the abortion mills and Pharmaceutical companies running neck and neck in terms of profit and loss of conscious, one has to wonder, what will science think of next?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Death of the word "God" in Primetime T.V

The Death of the word God in Primetime T.V

Being a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy, this Endtime Blogger settled in for a cozy evening of Dr. Meredith Grey, Dr. McDreamy, and the other folk of Seattle Grace hospital, when lo and behold, my favorite character, Dr. Meredith Grey, had drowned with her life in limbo, so to speak... As I was involved in the drama and intensity of it all, Dr. Izzy Stevens, another G.A Fav, made a profound statement that I cannot, not even at this moment, get out of my mind.. Dr. Stevens, made the comment that she "believed in the Good." "Believed in the Good?" I thought... Why is it so hard for the writers of a popular Primetime drama to have one of their characters say the words, I Believe in God..? Why does it seem like writers literally choke on the word God? I'll tell you why.. It's because we are living in a world with an entertainment industry and political system that is infested with New-Age Spiritualism, and is on the verge of a God-less Aethistic breakdown... Is this not the world that the Bible speaks of in II timothy 3:4 & ? If picking and choosing what seems to be safe and non-offensive in terms of Spirituality doesn't fit the bill of "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof," I just don't know what to tell you.. One thing that I can tell you is that as time goes by, the power brokers that be in Hollywood, our Political Arena, and the world, will become bolder in their quest to totally wipe out the word "God," and any hint of holiness from our national and international conciousness.

If you're concerned, intrigued, or amused, take a chance by dusting of your bible and see for yourself what Bible says about this and other pertinent issues...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

In this weeks' news

In this week's End Time Prophecy Report....

*Killer Storms rock Florida
*Society and Children in the End Times...

If you're reading this and you're from Lifeline, would you like to be a Moderator/Editor for this blog? After posting several messages, I'm curious as to know if anyone even takes the time to read this blog....

Let me know if you'd like to contribute news and other pieces to this blog..


Friday, December 15, 2006

Just how low will they go?

Just how low will they go? When an industry takes a sacred holiday and adds a wicked twist …
Imagine walking into your next Neighborhood party, and someone has the audacity to place an x-rated ornament on the tree… If you think that it’s just another sick joke, think again. Recently in a Jacksonville, MS mall, a store had the audacity to place ‘Pornaments’ on it’s shelves for all, including children to see… Despite the store employee’s insistence that they have a constitutional right to sell their products, one has to wonder. Just when did constitutional rights supersede common-sense morality?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Penguins that make your feet no so happy...

Never a dull moment in the world of entertainment.. How interesting it is that at the very moment that the movie 'Happy Feet' (a movie about dancing and singing Penguins) is about to premiere, that we have to read about a ruckus being made in an Illinois school where students had to read about a Homosexual Penguin couple and their child. Although some may think that it's all harmless fun, one has to admit that there seems to be plan in place to deconstruct the Biblically based values of young America. The Bible states that in the Last Days that 'Men would be lovers of their own selves, without natural affection, unholy, who love pleasure more than they love God.' (I Timothy 3:2-4)... The signs are all around you, are you paying attention?,2933,230178,00.html

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wherever you go, there you are....

I know, it's such a ridiculous title for this week's blog, but I wanted to make sure that you, my dear reader were paying attention... Speaking of paying attention, have you taken note of what's blown up on the news scene this week? More talk of School Shootings/Threats, Nuclear Tests performed by the North Koreans, Earthquakes in Hawaii, and Congressional cover-ups, it'll either make you want to run away and hide, or it will make you question the connection of the events within the last 50 years.... Just think about it..... Israel and the Palestinians, Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Wars & Rumors of Wars.. Everyday, we're bombarded with those images and messages.. Did you know that the Bible has an explanation for what's going on? That in fact, the end of this age is just around the corner? .......... If you think that it's all a big joke, I challenge you to read Matthew 24, I & II Timothy . & 4, II Thes 5:3, and Revelation 13:16-18, and then check out WWW.CNN.Com, WWW.ABCNews.Com,,, and Start to connect the dots. When you are ready for a real answer to your questions about what's really going on, call 1-800-Need-HIM ... You'll be glad that you did...