Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This just in from Al Qaeda and Friends

Dateline: September 27, 2006

Matthew 24:7a, for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...

As recent as Wednesday, September 27, FoxNews and other media outlets are reporting that an Al Qaeda affiliated group (Islamic Bayan Movement), is warning Muslims to evacuate major U.S cities (specifically L.A, New York, and Washington D.C) , so as to avoid being caught in the crosshairs of a major terrorist attack. Three cities that were specifically named are Los Angeles, Washington D.C, and New York. If "Allah's believing soldiers" should manage to strike our country once more, Terror will once against become the evidence of things not seen and we as a nation will once again be brought to our knee's seeking the true and living God that we have turned our backs on, so many times....,3566,102179,00.html

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Day that the World began to turn against America .. PT. 2

The Day that the world began to turn against America.... Pt. 2

Ok everyone, it's time to expand our End Time Prophecy vocabulary..
tri·um·vi·rate (tr-mvr-t) n.
1. An association or a group of three. Also called troika (any group of three persons, nations, etc., acting equally in unison to exert influence, control, or the like. )
2. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and Cuban Dictator/President Fidel Castro
3.A group of 3 communist/terrorist nations whose common goal is to ensure that the United States "...will be finished in the near future, for the good of all mankind."

Question: With the wealth of power that the oil-rich Iran and Venezuela have, how soon will the world begin to see things from Ahmadinejad's and Hugo's point of view concerning "The Devil" President George Bush and the "American empire," should the price of oil reach "$200.00 per gallonn?"

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moderators wanted

Moderators wanted..... Interested? Please see me tomorrow....

When Plan B isn't a good plan

When Plan B isn't a good plan...

How low will pharmaceutical companies go in their quest to make astronomical profits at the expense of human life? Isn't it funny how some people have more respect for animals than for children?

Preparing for the Anti-Christ

Tracing the steps to world domination by the Anti-Christ

Step 1: Begin to paint Evangelicals as a radical group who are morally weak, irrelevant, racist, sexist, homo-phobic, etc..

Step 2: Eliminate those pesky pennies and crumply dollar bills and make direct deposits, electronic money transfers, and transactions the preferred method of choice.

Step 3: Allow Identity thefts, Money Laundering, and other crimes to fester, place fear in the hearts of the Middle Class and Upper Class, and then promote the usage of National ID cards, and later an electronic chip (RFID, etc) that's placed under one's skin for the purpose of Financial transactions, medical information, and citizenship info...

Step 4: The Signing of a Treaty that's endorsed by an Israeli Prime Minister that has more faith in the International Community (UN) than in the true and living God who gave Israel the land that they have..