Monday, September 19, 2005

One Nation Without God.... Aethistic, Pagan, Ignorant and Lawless..

One Nation without God …. Aethistic, Pagan, Ignorant, and Lawless…. Will the ignorant desires of a small minority of Counter-Cultural misfits, help to derail the godly heritage of the United States of America and her believing allies?

America. Strong, Prosperous, and a force, to be reckoned with. America, a country with a godly heritage and a church on virtually every corner. America, the ever-expanding melting pot. One has to wonder with the past events of the last century and especially the fight to keep God in the national consciousness, one has to ask the question, who exactly is in control? Are the atheists, a group of people made famous by Madelyn Murray O’Hair, in control? How about the judge who banned the pledge of allegiance in California schools, is he in control? How about the hardcore-abortion loving feminists and shameless sexual deviants, are they in control? Or how about the Pagans, or better yet the Christian and Jew-hating Muslims, are they in control? With everything that has gone on for the last 229 years since our country was 1st founded in prayer and bloodshed, a silent war has been waged for the soul of America. You can see it everywhere you look, on every cable channel and television, on every radio station, and on the face of every American, that has to make a decision every day of their lives, to choose or not to choose. To believe or not to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and live a life according to that belief. If the god-haters manage to have their way, America’s melting pot maybe set for the refiners fire. And as with a pot that contains impure gold, one has to wonder what will become of America, once the god-haters manage to draw our country out from underneath the safety of God’s wing.

This has been your End Time Prophecy report asking you, do you know what type of metal, you’re made of.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Update: Fed's changing how they'll be distributing the debit cards

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Over 25K People Dead?

Over 25,000 Body Bags? Will New Orleans ever be the same again?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

United States Government to Assist Katrina Victims with $2K Debit Cards

Katrina Update: The United States Government will be offering Katrina Evacuee's $2,000 debit cards...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More Katrina Info

Katrina Information -- National Emergency Resource Registry

Does your church, school, or non-profit organization have food, water, clothing, or housing for Katrina evacuee's/survivor's? You can log onto the Fed's National Emergency Resource Registry for more info on how to get officially registered...

Katrina Updates

To Help with Katrina Evacuee's in the Dallas, Texas area, please utilize the above link..

Will Ariel Sharon's sowing of an inch of concessions towards the Palestinians, Reap a Mile of Trouble in years to come?

End Time Prophecy Report
Prophetic Dateline: August 21, 2005
Will Ariel Sharon’s sowing of an inch of concessions towards the Palestinians, Reap a Mile of Trouble in years to come?

Close your eyes and imagine this: You wake up one morning at 5:00am to the sound of Texas National guard soldiers banging on your door, shoving eviction notices in your face.. You try to beg and plead with them, reminding them that they’re Texans, just like you, born and bred in the Lone Star state.. Some of the soldiers blow you off, but some stay around to offer sympathy and even pray with you, but no real solutions. For months, you’ve been hearing President Bush, a fellow Texan, talking about the necessity for bringing peace to North America by giving Texas back to Mexico, but you never would have thought that President Bush would actually order the evictions and sacrifice your land, all for the sake of a false sense of peace. After all, regardless of how much Mexico’s President Vicente Fox whines, Texas is part of America, and we won it fair and square, right? If you had to leave your homes tomorrow morning, what would you do?

Now open your eyes and imagine being an Israeli, a settler living in the Gaza Strip, in the land that God said was yours, only to have your President, a fellow Israeli, order soldiers to knock on your door, drag you out of your homes, and away to refuge camps. What would you do? Would you fight or would you accept it as being the price of progress? For the nation of Israel, the eviction of Gaza Strip settlers has managed to not only light the match for a potential civil war, but it has also managed to pave the way for the day when Jerusalem, the world’s burdensome stone will become as stated in Zechariah 12:2, “ a cup of trembling unto all” those that will seek to take advantage of the weakness found in her leaders and a new generation of Secularist Jews that have fallen so far away from where they 1st believed.
This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, Do you Know what time it is?