Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wherever you go, there you are....

I know, it's such a ridiculous title for this week's blog, but I wanted to make sure that you, my dear reader were paying attention... Speaking of paying attention, have you taken note of what's blown up on the news scene this week? More talk of School Shootings/Threats, Nuclear Tests performed by the North Koreans, Earthquakes in Hawaii, and Congressional cover-ups, it'll either make you want to run away and hide, or it will make you question the connection of the events within the last 50 years.... Just think about it..... Israel and the Palestinians, Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Wars & Rumors of Wars.. Everyday, we're bombarded with those images and messages.. Did you know that the Bible has an explanation for what's going on? That in fact, the end of this age is just around the corner? .......... If you think that it's all a big joke, I challenge you to read Matthew 24, I & II Timothy . & 4, II Thes 5:3, and Revelation 13:16-18, and then check out WWW.CNN.Com, WWW.ABCNews.Com,,, and Start to connect the dots. When you are ready for a real answer to your questions about what's really going on, call 1-800-Need-HIM ... You'll be glad that you did...


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