Preparing for the Anti-Christ
Tracing the steps to world domination by the Anti-Christ
Step 1: Begin to paint Evangelicals as a radical group who are morally weak, irrelevant, racist, sexist, homo-phobic, etc..
Step 2: Eliminate those pesky pennies and crumply dollar bills and make direct deposits, electronic money transfers, and transactions the preferred method of choice.
Step 3: Allow Identity thefts, Money Laundering, and other crimes to fester, place fear in the hearts of the Middle Class and Upper Class, and then promote the usage of National ID cards, and later an electronic chip (RFID, etc) that's placed under one's skin for the purpose of Financial transactions, medical information, and citizenship info...
Step 4: The Signing of a Treaty that's endorsed by an Israeli Prime Minister that has more faith in the International Community (UN) than in the true and living God who gave Israel the land that they have..
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