The Fear of Things Seen and Unseen.. More Pain at the Pump
End Time Prophecy Report
The Fear of Things Seen and Unseen...
Ref: Luke 21:26a, Matthew 24:7
For Americans, the fear of one day waking up to gas being over $5 for a gallon of regular, along with the loathing of our country by our Terrorist oil suppliers, are 2 things that go hand in hand. For those who choose to overlook the significance of the power plays that are being executed at our expense, perhaps they should consider doing this; in the coming days, begin to take note of the correlation between the rising prices of oil and gas, and the spoken and written sanctions being made against Iran, Syria, Nicaragua, and Nigeria, and begin to ask yourselves this, are we as a country being put in our place by the threat of things seen and unseen?
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