Can an Undercover Jihadist be Trusted to Protect America's Sea Ports? : Will Americans Be Led As Sheep To The Slaughter?
In the coming days, weeks, months or years, will Americans be led as Sheep to the Slaughter?
I Thess. 5:3
In recent weeks, there has been a major storm brewing on Capitol Hill in regards to President Bush's decision to allow the United Arab Emirates to buy the rights to manage and secure 6 major American seaports. While this may seem to be initially just another economically sound decision, in the long run, it may be one of the most costly errors that an American President and his advisors have ever made in U.S history. The question is not about race or religious affiliation, but rather it is about loyalty and trustworthiness. With Arab inspectors looking the other way, weapons devised to start a chemical, biological, or nuclear attack could very well cripple our economy, throw us all into a state of fear and confusion, and eventually destroy America as a nation at large.
This has been your End Time Prophecy report asking you, would you allow a wolf to guard the gates to a henhouse?
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