Thursday, December 15, 2005

July 2005 Archive ** In this current age of the Military Industrial Complex, will the Blood of millions of Africans be on the hands of the West?

End Time Prophecy Report

Prophetic Dateline: July 31, 2005

In this current age of the Military Industrial Complex, will the Blood of 5 million starving Africans be on the hands of the western world?

In Matthew 24:4-8, the Bible states that Famine, War, Pestilence, and Earthquakes in diverse places would be some of the definite indicators that we are living in the End Times.. Throughout history, there have been several countries that have been devastated by all of those factors, some more than others by, but no other continent has experienced this devastation more than the continent of Africa.. As the Western world occupies itself with other causes, African countries such as Niger are having to endure droughts when they need rain to grow vital crops, and torrential rain when their land has taken all that it needs. While Niger’s ineffective government sits idly by, wishing for the embarrassment of his ineffectiveness to pass, over 70% of his citizens do not have access to health care, and over 166,000 children die every year due to malnutrition and starvation.


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