This just in from Al Qaeda and Friends
Dateline: September 27, 2006
Matthew 24:7a, for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...
As recent as Wednesday, September 27, FoxNews and other media outlets are reporting that an Al Qaeda affiliated group (Islamic Bayan Movement), is warning Muslims to evacuate major U.S cities (specifically L.A, New York, and Washington D.C) , so as to avoid being caught in the crosshairs of a major terrorist attack. Three cities that were specifically named are Los Angeles, Washington D.C, and New York. If "Allah's believing soldiers" should manage to strike our country once more, Terror will once against become the evidence of things not seen and we as a nation will once again be brought to our knee's seeking the true and living God that we have turned our backs on, so many times....,3566,102179,00.html