Friday, November 17, 2006

Penguins that make your feet no so happy...

Never a dull moment in the world of entertainment.. How interesting it is that at the very moment that the movie 'Happy Feet' (a movie about dancing and singing Penguins) is about to premiere, that we have to read about a ruckus being made in an Illinois school where students had to read about a Homosexual Penguin couple and their child. Although some may think that it's all harmless fun, one has to admit that there seems to be plan in place to deconstruct the Biblically based values of young America. The Bible states that in the Last Days that 'Men would be lovers of their own selves, without natural affection, unholy, who love pleasure more than they love God.' (I Timothy 3:2-4)... The signs are all around you, are you paying attention?,2933,230178,00.html