End Time Prophecy Report for the week of July 10, 2005
End Time Prophecy Report
Prophetic Dateline: July 10, 2005
The Threat of Things Unseen; Just how low will people go in the Last Days..
In II Timothy 3:1-3, the Bible lets us know that in the last days, Men & Women would have no self-control, that they would be cruel, and that they turn away from what is good..
During the last 2 ½ months nothing has been more evident that we are living in prophetically dangerous times than the recent stories of the BTK killer, and the home invasion-style kidnapping and molestation of 8yr old Shasta Groene.
The Criminals in both cases were cold, calculated, had little to no self-control, and not to mention, they were able to blend in with the general population.
Dennis Rader, the 60 year old former Luthern choir member, known as the Bind-Torture-and Kill serial killer, until February 25th, managed to elude and taunt authorities for 25 years, all the while taking the lives of 10 Men, Women, and Children.
Joseph Edward Duncan III, who stated in his last journal entry, that the demons were taking over, managed to engage in a crime spree of his own that spanned a 2 month period that stole the innocence of 8 yr old Shasta, and stole the lives of her mother, 2 brothers, and a family friend dead.
If the crimes of Radar and Duncan don’t convince you that we are living in the last days, then be careful lest you be overtaken by the Threat of Things Unseen.
This has been your End Time Prophecy Report asking you, if Jesus were to come back at this very minute, would you be ready to fly away?
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